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Teeth Whitening in London

Everybody wants white teeth! We can help. Teeth whitening is the most requested cosmetic dental treatment in Canada. There are many factors that cause our teeth to discolour over time. Heavy consumption of coffee, tea and dark colourful beverages and food will stain your teeth over time. Smokers stain can be quite unsightly as well. To get your teeth as white and stain free as possible we offer two solutions to achieve the best results possible. A basic examination (at no charge) is required to determine if you are a candidate for whitening and to review your options with you.

Teeth Close Up

A Take Home solution

Cost $350

After a thorough dental cleaning to remove as much surface stains as possible, custom made dental trays will be made along with a 2 week supply of whitening solution to be worn for 2-3 hours per day. They come in different concentrations and 3 different flavours. They can be worn as little at 15 minutes per day or even overnight while you sleep. Our take-home whitening gel system allows you to get professional whitening results at your convenience in a safe, effective, and customized way!

When you’ve achieved the whiter smile you desire, keep your trays in a safe space for when you want to whiten again in the future. We always keep a stock of whitening solution for you to purchase.

While sensitivity can be a common effect during and after treatment, it completely resolves itself within a day or two. For those with especially sensitive teeth, whitening is best accomplished in combination with fluoride gels and a desensitizer.

Zoom! logo A Professional In Office solution

Cost $650


ZOOM In-Office whitening is a professionally applied treatment by one of our dental hygienists and offers the quickest and longest lasting results. After a thorough cleaning of your teeth, a high concentration whitening gel is light-activated for approximately 1 hour. Gums and tissues are protected by a thin barrier while the teeth are whitening. Lay back, take a nap, listen to some music or watch a movie on one of our overhead screens. Before and after photos are taken for you to marvel and share your new smile. Take-home whitening trays will be provided to help you maintain your new white smile so it lasts as long as you want it to.