Do you feel anxious when you go to the dentist?
We have many patients who experience dental anxiety. To help them stay calm, we provide a relaxed and comfortable office environment. We also offer sedation options to provide the level of assistance they need to manage their anxiety during their appointment.

Oral Sedation
Oral sedation is good for patients with higher levels of anxiety or for longer procedures. We prescribe an anti-anxiety medication in a pill form that you take one hour prior to your appointment in our office. The medication will relax you during your treatment - some patients even fall asleep! We can safely combine oral sedation and nitrous oxide (laughing gas) if a higher level of sedation is needed. During the procedure, your vitals (Heart Rate and Blood Pressure) will be closely monitored. It is important that you don't eat or drink anything for at least 3 hours prior. After the procedure, you will need to go home with an escort as you will still be impaired. Please review the attached instructions you need to follow before and after your procedure.
IV Sedation (General Anesthesia)
IV sedation or "Sleep Dentistry" is for patients who have severe anxiety, or for patients who prefer to be completely sedated during their treatment. IV sedation is administered by a certified dentist who will administer the sedation and monitor your progress during your treatment. Patients sleep comfortably while their treatment is completed. After a short recovery period, you will be escorted home to rest for the remainder of the day.
Please note that for oral and IV sedation you will be legally impaired and unable to drive. You will need to arrange transportation home for our office and have someone to be with you for 24 hours after your appointment.
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is a popular sedative gas that has been safely used in dentistry for decades. A small mask is placed on the nose and you breathe the gas during the entire procedure. It creates a euphoric sensation that calms and relaxes you and allows you to complete your treatment much more easily. It works best for patients who have mild to moderate anxiety. It is not intended to put you to sleep. A benefit of laughing gas is that it wears off within minutes of completing your treatment. You will be able to return to your daily activities and an escort is not required. It is important that you don't eat or drink liquids to 3 hours prior to your treatment.
Sedation InstructionsPlease note that for oral and IV sedation you will be legally impaired and unable to drive. You will need to arrange transportation home for our office and have someone to be with you for 24 hours after your appointment.